
In the professional formation of a bachelor/master practices are extremely important and take place both within the walls of the I. Franko LNU, and in accordance with concluded agreements – on the basis of various cultural and educational institutions of Ukraine. The list of all types of practices, their form and terms determine the studying and working curriculum. The procedure for planning, organizing and monitoring a student’s practical training is determined by the Regulations on conducting practices of the students in the university. The goal of practices is to develop skills of working in teams according to the specialty, develop professional skills and abilities, acquire professional competencies within the chosen specialty. Practice and internship supervision is entrusted to experienced research and teaching staff of the relevant specialty and a long-term interaction with employers is serious and constant. The basic places for conducting practices are the leading institutions in the field of culture and art in Lviv, the western region of Ukraine. These are professional theatres, museums, libraries, archives, educational institutions of different levels of accreditation, mass media, project organizations, governing authorities in the field of culture, art, etc.