General-faculty news

The fifth International scientific and practical student conference

15.04.2021 | 08:07

The fifth International scientific and practical student conference
“Current issues of theatre history, theory and practice in the students and young scientists’ research”
The conference takes place ONLINE on the ZOOM platform
by link: 296 859 4004
Password: LNU
15 –16 April, 2021

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About Visegrad Summer School – call for applications

07.04.2021 | 11:49

Visegrad Summer School (VSS) is a project that has been shaping and educating generations of young citizens of Visegrad Group and neighboring countries for 18 years. Over the years, we have observed a change in priorities, policies, trends but especially in the profile of candidates and participants. This year, in spite of difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic, VSS returns, focusing on two areas: Business and Innovation & Cultural Heritage, which seem distant but combined together give the opportunity to create...

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“Current issues of theatre history, theory and practice in the students and young scientists’ research”

31.03.2021 | 17:45

The fifth International scientific and practical student conference:
“Current issues of theatre history, theory and practice in the students and young scientists’ research” (15–16.04.2020, Lviv, Ukraine) ONLINE
The annual student scientific theater conference is held by the Department of Theater Studies and Acting at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Basic questions:

Research into the history of theatre and its re-actualization in the present.
The modern theatrical process: mistakes, achievements, visions.
Cultural and social processes through the performative studies.


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XІІІ-th International Competition bayan-accordion «Perpetuum mobile»

15.02.2021 | 10:06

Hello dear colleagues. We invite you to participate in the XІІІ-th International Competition bayan-accordion «Perpetuum mobile» which will be held May 7-10, 2021 on the basis of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (Lviv region, Ukraine). During of the competition in him have taken participation of representatives around the world, including Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Italy, France, Serbia, China, Great Britain and others. The composition of the jury will include the leading teachers, performers and...

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Information about the University studying in the second semester

04.02.2021 | 12:41

In response to the Rector’s decree № О-5 on 1st February, 2021 “On studying in the second semester in 2020/2021” university studies for students will begin on February 9th, 2021.
The teaching and learning process in the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year will take place in remote format (lectures) and in-person teaching format (practical, seminar, laboratory classes) taking into account “Anti-epidemic measures in educational institutions during the quarantine due to the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID -19) “, approved...

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