Department of Sociocultural Management

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • News

The Department of Sociocultural Management is a graduation department and trains specialists in the specialty 028 Management of socio-cultural activities under the Bachelor’s and Master’s educational programs, full-time and part-time study. Our graduates are able to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the socio-cultural sphere, in the field of education and science, creative economy and cultural practices. The management of socio-cultural activities is the art of managing creative people united by a common idea, so the department trains leaders aimed at achieving high results in the field of culture. Mandatory component of the studies is the theory and history of socio-cultural activity, leisure pedagogy, art history, theory and history of culture, basics of cultural policy, etc. Within the framework of professional subjects students learn about the basics of management of socio-cultural activities, socio-cultural design, information management technologies, marketing communications in the socio-cultural sphere. Internships are held on the basis of concert and production centres, museums and galleries, travel companies. The Department of Socio-cultural Management cooperates with the Universities of Wrocław and Rzeszów (The Republic of Poland), with the Institute of Slavology of the University of Würzburg (Germany), the Ukrainian Free University (Munich), the Institute of History of Central and Eastern Europe of the University of Vienna (Austria), with which teachers are exchanged, joint internships, scientific publications and conferences, are prepared.


ChairpersonLiudmyla BelinskaChairperson
ProfessorOksana HnatkovychProfessor
ProfessorOleksandr KozarenkoProfessor
ProfessorMaksym MaksymchukProfessor
Associate ProfessorNataliia DanylykhaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliia Diadiukh-BohatkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLiliia SyrotaAssociate Professor
LecturerAndrii ShevchukLecturer

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

  1. Vstup do fakhu (menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti) : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnioho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 36 s. / Introduction to the specialty (management of socio-cultural activities): methodical recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the degree of “Bachelor” specialty 028 “Management of sociocultural activities” / develop. by M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. 36p.
  2. Ekonomika kultury : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 25 s. / Economics of culture : methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the Bachelor’s degree in the specialty 028 “Management of sociocultural activities”/ develop. by M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021.25p.
  3. Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. M. V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 35 s. / Management of socio-cultural activity : methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the Bachelor’s degree in specialty 028 “Management of socio-cultural activity” /develop. by                    V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021.35 p.
  4. Marketynh sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. O. D. Hnatkovych, M. V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 28 s. / Marketing of socio-cultural activities : methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the Bachelor’s degree in specialty 028 “Management of socio-cultural activities” /develop. by O. D. Hnatkovych, M. V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv : Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. 28 p.
  5. Biznes-planuvannia u sferi kultury : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. O. D. Hnatkovych, M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 23 s. / Business planning in the field of culture : methodological recommendations for practical classes and independent work for applicants for the Bachelor’s degree  in specialty 028 “Management of socio-cultural activities” /develop. by. O. D. Hnatkovych, M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv : Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. 23 p.
  6. Instytutsiina pidtrymka sotsiokulturnykh klasteriv : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Mahistr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. : M. V. Maksymchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 29 s.
  7. Marketynh sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. : O. D. Hnatkovych, M. V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 28 s.
  8. Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. : M. V. Maksymchuk, A. V. Shevchuk. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 35 s.
  9. Praktykum z korporatyvnoi kultury : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. : L. S. Belinska, M. V. Maksymchuk, L. B. Syrota. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 36 s.
  10. Rehionalne kraieznavstvo : metodychni rekomendatsii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty dlia zdobuvachiv osvitnoho stupenia «Bakalavr» spetsialnosti 028 «Menedzhment sotsiokulturnoi diialnosti» / rozrob. : M. V. Maksymchuk, N. R. Danylykha. Lviv : LNU im. I. Franka, 2021. 27 s.

International Alexander Teacher Training and the Alexander Technique

05.02.2024 | 20:45

Колектив Міжнародного навчального центру викладачів александрівської техніки (IATT) 8 лютого 2024 року в межах практик проведе для студентів факультету культури і мистецтв спеціальності 026 «Сценічне мистецтво (Акторське мистецтво драматичного театру і кіно), (Акторське мистецтво театру ляльок)» гостьову лекцію на тему: «Alexander Technique in the Performing Arts».
Ця Техніка викладається в багатьох вищих навчальних закладах мистецтв по всьому світу. Її викладають як групам, так індивідуально, наживо чи онлайн. Протягом цієї 90-хвилинної онлайн сесії студенти зможуть познайомитися з Технікою, дізнаєтеся про її історію...

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International scientific conference in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Professor Rostyslav Pylypchuk (online conference, Lviv, Ukraine, February 27-28, 2023)

11.01.2023 | 00:21

International scientific conference
in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Professor Rostyslav Pylypchuk
“Modern achievements in Ukrainian and foreign theater studies”
(online conference, Lviv, Ukraine, February 27-28, 2023)
Ukraine has a good academic tradition of holding a scientific conference every year at the end of February titled “National scientific readings in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Rostyslav Pylypchuk” and dedicated to this outstanding theater scholar and theater historian.
(Co-organizers of the conference: The Department...

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Відбулась  ХV Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів «ХОРЕОГРАФІЧНА КУЛЬТУРА – МИСТЕЦЬКІ ВИМІРИ»

10.11.2022 | 19:24

10 листопада 2022 року на кафедрі режисури та хореографії факультету культури і мистецтв Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, відбулась  ХV Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів «ХОРЕОГРАФІЧНА КУЛЬТУРА – МИСТЕЦЬКІ ВИМІРИ» (м. Львів, 10 листопада 2022 року).
Даний захід організований Студентським науковим гуртка кафедри режисури та хореографії: куратор кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент кафедри режисури та хореографії Олександр Анатолійович Плахотнюк при підтримці ради молодих вчених факультету .
Посилання на відео

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Announcements of planned international events (conferences, seminars, summer schools, etc.)

22.06.2022 | 01:17


International Scientific Conference “Book and Library in a Multicultural City”
The conference is included in the list of scientific conferences on higher education problems in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2022


XII Lviv International Library Forum “Education” Workshop
The conference is included in the list of scientific conferences on higher education problems in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science...

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Video project “Ukraine. War. Shakespear”

11.04.2022 | 15:27

Glory to Ukraine!
We have heartwarming news.
In the second week of the war, students of the Department of Theatre Studies and Acting of Ivan Franko LNU created a video project Ukraine. War. Shakespear. After inscribing Shakespeare’s eternal sonnets into the world of the horror of the war that Russia launched against Ukraine, we sought to convey our experiences to the world – in particular, to the Shakespearean community. Recently, we received a video response from students at the Shakespeare Institute in...

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