Department of Theater Studies and Acting

  • About the Department
  • History of Department
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • News

The teaching staff of the department unites stage practitioners, theatre historians and theatre critics: a total of 29 people. Among them are well-known scientists-researchers of the theatre and leading actors of the Ukrainian stage, laureates of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize, People’s and Honored Artists and Honored Artists of Ukraine.

The Department of Theatre Studies and Acting cooperates with educational institutions of the corresponding profile, establishes close ties with art, scientific, creative centres and institutions both in Ukraine and abroad. Some of the priority activities of the department are scientific and publishing activity. The department focuses on the problems of studying international, in particular Ukrainian-Polish theatrical dialogue, on studying the history of the theatres of western Ukraine, Ukrainian theatrical Shakespeariana, etc. The published works of the department include the theatre magazine “Proscenium” (founded in 2001, 61 issues published), as well as translated and domestic works on the theory, history, practice of theatre.

Do you want to be a famous actor, a well-known theatre expert or theatre researcher? Welcome to our department! It will be exciting to step into a successful future with us!

The Department of Theatre Studies and Acting was founded on April 9, 1999 on the initiative of the Rector of the University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ivan Oleksandrovych Vakarchuk and with the active support of the Dean of the Faculty of Philology Prof. T. Salyha. The Department of Theatre Studies and Acting is continuously headed by People’s Artist of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Professor Bohdan Kozak. The department trains specialists in the specialty 026 Performing Arts in the specialties “Acting Art of Drama and Cinema” and “Theatre Studies” (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees). During the twenty years of its activity, more than 200 specialists in the field of acting and theatre studies have graduated here. Today they work in professional theatres in Lviv, Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine, engaged in journalism in the media, lead art schools, study in graduate school or teach at their alma-mater department.


ChairpersonBohdan KozakChairperson
ProfessorOleksandra-Andriana BonkovskaProfessor
ProfessorTaisiia LytvynenkoProfessor
Associate ProfessorOlena BashaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYurii ChekovAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVolodymyr ChmyrAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna KohutAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksii KravchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlena KrylovaAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Iryna MakovetskaAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorSvitlana MaksymenkoAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Myroslava TsyhanykAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorHalyna VolovetskaAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerRoman LavrentiiSenior Lecturer
LecturerKateryna MahdenkoLecturer
LecturerKhrystyna Novosad-LesiukLecturer
LecturerSofiia Rosa-LavrentiiLecturer

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

Methodological materials

  1. Bohdan Antkiv – lytsar halytskoi stseny. – Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU im. I. Franka, 2015. / Bohdan Antkiv – the knight of the Galician scene. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015.
  2. Stanislav Vyspianskyi: Studii nad “Hamletom”. Pereklad z pol. – Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2010. 152 s. / Stanislav Vyspianskyi: Studies on Hamlet. Translated from Polish. – Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010. 152 p.
  3. Harbuziuk M. Obraz Ukrainy u polskomu teatralnomu dyskursi ХІX stolittia: stratehii ta formy reprezentatsii. Lviv, 2018. / Harbuziuk M. The image of Ukraine in the Polish theatrical discourse of the XIX century: strategies and forms of representation. Lviv, 2018.
  4. Hvozdiev O. O.: Z istorii teatru i dramy / Iz istorii teatra i dramy. Akademiia, 1923 h. Pereklad z ros. Lviv, 2008. 200 s. / Hvozdiev O. O. : From the history of theatre and drama / From the history of theatre and drama. Academiia, 1923.Translated from Russian. Lviv, 2008. 200 p.
  5. Dmytrova L. Pidruchna knyha z istorii vsesvitnioho teatru. Kharkiv, DVU, 1929. Repryntne vydannia. / Dmytrova L. Textbook on the history of world theatre. Kharkiv, DVU, 1929. Reprint edition.
  6. Zhyttia i tvorchist Lesia Kurbasa / [uporiad., nauk. red. Bohdan Kozak]. Lviv ; Kyiv ; Kharkiv : Litopys, 2012. / Life and work of Les Kurbas / [edit., scientific editor Bohdan Kozak]. Lviv; Kyiv ; Kharkiv: Litopys, 2012.
  7. Knebel M. Y. Pro diievyi analiz piesy i roli / Knebel M. Y. / pereklad z ros. Ye. Starodynovoi. Lviv, 2020. 92 s. / Knebel M. Y. On the effective analysis of the play and the role / Knebel M. Y. / translated from Russian by E. Starodinova. Lviv, 2020. 92 p.
  8. Kozak B. M. Teatralni vidlunnia / Bohdan Kozak. Lviv: Liha-Pres, 2010. 452 s. / Kozak B. M. Theatrical echoes / Bohdan Kozak. Lviv: Liha-Press, 2010. 452 p.
  9. Kozachkovskyi D. Notatky na storinkakh rolei, pies i klaptykakh paperu. Pidruchna knyzhka dlia aktoriv ta rezhyseriv / Uporiad. Kozak B. Lviv : Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2017. 96 s. / Kozachkovskyi D. Notes on the pages of roles, plays and scraps of paper. Handbook for actors and directors / Edited by Kozak B. Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. 96 p.
  10. Maks Rainhardt: Ya lyshe teatroman / Max Reinhardt. Ich bin nichts als ein Theatrmann. Briefe, Reden, Aufsätze, Interviews, Gespräche, Auszüge aus Regiebüchern, herausgegeben von Hugo Fetting, Berlin 1989. Pereklad z nimetskoi. LNU im. I. Franka, 2015. / Max Reinhardt: I’m just a theatre man / Max Reinhardt. Ich bin nichts als ein Theatrmann. Briefe, Reden, Aufsätze, Interviews, Gespräche, Auszüge aus Regiebüchern, herausgegeben von Hugo Fetting, Berlin 1989. Translation from German. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015.
  11. Maksymenko S. Ukrainskyi teatr u Lvovi v period nimetskoi okupatsii (1941–1944). – Lviv, 2015. – 328 s. + iliust. / Maksymenko S. Ukrainian Theatre in Lviv during the German occupation (1941-1944). – Lviv, 2015. – 328 p. + illustrations.
  12. Meiierkhold. MYSTETSTVO TEATRU. Vydannia druhe. Vypravlene. Vstupna stattia, pereklad i vporiadkuvannia B. Kozaka. Lviv, 2015. 64 s. / Vs. Meiierkhold. THE ART OF THEATRE. Second edition. Corrected. Introductory article, translation and arrangement by B. Kozak. Lviv, 2015. 64 p.
  13. Panso V. Pratsia i talant u tvorchosti aktora / Voldemar Panso. Trud i talant v tvorchestve aktiora. Moskva: Vserossiiskoie teatralnoie obshchestvo, 1972. Pereklad z rosiiskoi. Lviv, 2014. 276 s. / Panso V. Work and talent in the work of the actor / Voldemar Panso. Work and talent in the work of the actor. Moscow: All-Russian Theatre Society, 1972. Translated from Russian. Lviv, 2014. 276 p.
  14. Pylypchuk R. Istoriia ukrainskoho teatru (vid vytokiv do kintsia XIX st.) / Rostyslav Pylypchuk ; Oleksandr Klekovkin (peredmova); NVP «Vydavnytstvo «Naukova dumka» NAN Ukrainy» ; Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Ivana Franka, Kafedra teatroznavstva ta aktorskoi maisternosti. – Lviv : Vy­davnytstvo LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2019. / Pylypchuk R. History of the Ukrainian theatre (from the origins to the end of the 19th century) / Rostyslav Pylypchuk; Alexander Klekovkin (foreword); SPE “Publishing House” Scientific Thought “of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Theatre Studies and Acting. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019.
  15. Piter Bruk: Zhodnykh sekretiv. Dumky pro aktorsku mai­sternist i teatr. Pereklad z anhl. Lviv: 2005. 136 s. / Peter Brooke: No secrets. Thoughts on acting and theatre. Translated from English. Lviv: 2005. 136 p.
  16. Patris Pavi: Slovnyk teatru. Lviv, 2006. 640 s. / Patris Pavi: Dictionary of Theatre. Lviv, 2006. p 640.
  17. Sofronova L. A.: Starovynnyi ukrainskyi teatr / Starinnyi ukrainskiy teatr. Pereklad z ros. Lviv: 2004. 336 s. / Sofronova L. A.: Ancient Ukrainian Theatre / Ancient Ukrainian Theatre. Translated from Russian. Lviv: 2004. 336 p.
  18. Stain Dzhon: Suchasna dramaturhiia v teorii ta teatralnii praktytsi. Knyha 1. Realizm i naturalizm / Modern drama in theory and practice. Volume 1. Realism and Naturalism. Pereklad z anhl. I. Bosak, O. Dzery, I. Kovalskoi, H. Pekhnyk. – Lviv: 2003. – 256 s. / Stein John: Contemporary Drama in Theory and Theatrical Practice. Book 1. Realism and naturalism / Modern drama in theory and practice. Volume 1. Realism and Naturalism. Translated from English by I. Bosak, O. Dzera, I. Kovalska, G. Pekhnyk. – Lviv: 2003. – 256 p.
  19. Stain Dzhon: Suchasna dramaturhiia v teorii ta teatralnii praktytsi. Knyha 2. Symvolizm, siurrealizm i absurd / Modern drama in theory and practice. Volume 2. Symbolism, Surrealism and the Absurd. Pereklad z anhl. Lviv: 2003. 272 s. / Translated from English Lviv: 2003. 272 p. / Stein John: Contemporary Drama in Theory and Theatrical Practice. Volume 2. Symbolism, Surrealism and the Absurd. Translated from English Lviv: 2003. 272 p.
  20. Stain Dzhon: Suchasna dramaturhiia v teorii ta teatralnii praktytsi. Knyha 3. Ekspresionizm ta epichnyi teatr/Modern drama in theory and practice. Volume 3. Expressionism and epic theatre. Pereklad z anhl. Lviv: 2004. 288 s./ Translated from English Lviv: 2004. 288 p. / Stein John: Contemporary Drama in Theory and Theatrical Practice. Volume 3. Expressionism and epic theatre. Translated from English. Lviv: 2004. 288 p.
  21. Stanislavskyi K. S.: Robota nad rolliu (“Revizor”) Realne vidchuttia zhyttia piesy ta roli (1936–1937). Pereklad z ros. – Lviv, 2018. 84 s. / Stanislavskyi K. S.: Work on the role (“Inspector General”) A real sense of life in the play and the role (1936-1937). Translated from Russian. – Lviv, 2018. 84 p.
  22. Ukrainska stsena u polikulturnomu prostori Avstro-Uhorshchyny (druha pol. XIX – poch. XX st.). Khrestomatiia. Za materialamy avstriiskoi nimetskomovnoi presy / uporiadkuvannia ta naukovyi komentar Romana Lavrentiia ; pereklad z nimetskoi Volodymyra Kamiantsia. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. / Ukrainian scene in the multicultural space of Austria-Hungary (second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries). Anthology. According to the materials of the Austrian German-language press / editing and scientific commentary by Roman Lavrentiy; translated from German by Volodymyr Kamianets. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017.
  23. Charnetskyi S. Istoriia ukrainskoho teatru v Halychyni. Narysy, statti, materialy, svitlyny. Lviv: Litopys, 2014. 584 s. / Charnetskyi S. History of Ukrainian theatre in Galicia. Essays, articles, materials, photos. Lviv: Litopys, 2014. 584 p.
  24. Tetiana Stepanchykova. Istoriia yevreiskoho teatru u Lvovi. “Kriz terny – do zirok!”. Lviv: Liha-Pres, 2005. 376 s. / Tetiana Stepanchykova. History of the Jewish Theatre in Lviv. “Through the thorns – to the stars!”. Lviv: Liha-Press, 2005. 376 p.
  25. Teatr: istoriia, teoriia, praktyka. Zbirnyk statei / Problemy teorii dramatu i teatru. Tom 1. Dramat. Tom 2. Teatr. Wybór i opracovanie Janusz Degler. Wrocław, 2003. Pereklad z pol. Lviv, 2013. 204 s. / Theatre: history, theory, practice. Collection of articles / Problemy teorii dramatu i teatru. Volume 1. Dramat. Volume 2.Teatr. Selection and processing by Janusz Degler. Wrocław, 2003.Translated from Polish. Lviv, 2013. 204p.
  26. Svitlana Fesenko. Osnovy treninhu i tekhniky aktora teatru lialok. Lviv, 2009. 64 s. / Svitlana Fesenko. Fundamentals of training and techniques of a puppet theatre actor. Lviv, 2009. 64 p.
  27. Teatroznavchyi zhurnal “Prostsenium” / Proscenium Theatre Journal

Інформація щодо організації освітнього процесу в першому семестрі 2024/2025 навчального року

18.08.2024 | 20:17

Інформація щодо організації освітнього процесу в першому семестрі 2024/2025 навчального року
Відповідно до Наказу Ректора № О-63 від 7 серпня 2024 року «Про організацію освітнього процесу в першому семестрі 2024/2025 навчального року» затверджено графік освітнього процесу на перший семестр 2024/2025 навчального року для здобувачів денної форми здобуття освіти. Освітній процес відбуватиметься з 2 вересня по 30 листопада 2024 року (включно суботи).
Навчання для ОС «Бакалавр» (1, 2, 3, 4 курси) та ОПС «Фаховий молодший бакалавр» (1, 2 курси), ОС «Магістр» (1, 2...

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International Alexander Teacher Training and the Alexander Technique

05.02.2024 | 20:45

Колектив Міжнародного навчального центру викладачів александрівської техніки (IATT) 8 лютого 2024 року в межах практик проведе для студентів факультету культури і мистецтв спеціальності 026 «Сценічне мистецтво (Акторське мистецтво драматичного театру і кіно), (Акторське мистецтво театру ляльок)» гостьову лекцію на тему: «Alexander Technique in the Performing Arts».
Ця Техніка викладається в багатьох вищих навчальних закладах мистецтв по всьому світу. Її викладають як групам, так індивідуально, наживо чи онлайн. Протягом цієї 90-хвилинної онлайн сесії студенти зможуть познайомитися з Технікою, дізнаєтеся про її історію...

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International scientific conference in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Professor Rostyslav Pylypchuk (online conference, Lviv, Ukraine, February 27-28, 2023)

11.01.2023 | 00:21

International scientific conference
in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Professor Rostyslav Pylypchuk
“Modern achievements in Ukrainian and foreign theater studies”
(online conference, Lviv, Ukraine, February 27-28, 2023)
Ukraine has a good academic tradition of holding a scientific conference every year at the end of February titled “National scientific readings in memory of Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Rostyslav Pylypchuk” and dedicated to this outstanding theater scholar and theater historian.
(Co-organizers of the conference: The Department...

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Відбулась  ХV Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів «ХОРЕОГРАФІЧНА КУЛЬТУРА – МИСТЕЦЬКІ ВИМІРИ»

10.11.2022 | 19:24

10 листопада 2022 року на кафедрі режисури та хореографії факультету культури і мистецтв Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, відбулась  ХV Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів «ХОРЕОГРАФІЧНА КУЛЬТУРА – МИСТЕЦЬКІ ВИМІРИ» (м. Львів, 10 листопада 2022 року).
Даний захід організований Студентським науковим гуртка кафедри режисури та хореографії: куратор кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент кафедри режисури та хореографії Олександр Анатолійович Плахотнюк при підтримці ради молодих вчених факультету .
Посилання на відео

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Announcements of planned international events (conferences, seminars, summer schools, etc.)

22.06.2022 | 01:17


International Scientific Conference “Book and Library in a Multicultural City”
The conference is included in the list of scientific conferences on higher education problems in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2022


XII Lviv International Library Forum “Education” Workshop
The conference is included in the list of scientific conferences on higher education problems in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science...

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